Four Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Purchase

The best way to keep the clutter at bay is to actually stop the clutter at the cash register. Here are four quick questions you can ask yourself before you buy something to evaluate whether it is a necessity or a want.

  1. Is is this something that I already have? - So much of the time we overbuy, because we don’t know what we have.  This is why getting your home organized is so important.  It will save you space, time and money!
  2. Is this something that will get used regularly and bring value to me / my family? - Truly consider this question before you buy. If it is not something that will be used then no biggie, just pass.
  3. How long will this item last? - We are always a fan of buying items that will last longer.  Yes they tend to cost more up front, but they will certainly save you money over the course of their life. 
  4. Can I use something I already have to fulfill this need? - You would be surprised what you already have.  About to buy a pineapple corer?  I’ll bet you already have a knife! 

Kait Hilton is a home organizer proudly serving the Washington D.C. Region live with less stress.


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