Tips to Having a Clean House with Kids

Parenting is Hard! Here are some of our favorite tips for keeping your home tidy and stress free with kids!

1. Give everything a place, starting with the everyday items. Here is how we love to store the things we use most!

  • Coat Hooks... because hangers are hard. Its much easier to plop your coats on a hook and move on.

  • Create space in your entryway for sunglasses, hats, gloves, etc. so you always know where everything is. We love using the TROFAST storage unit from IKEA. Each person in the house gets one small bin and one big bin. The small one is where al of our hats, gloves and sunglasses go!

  • Cubbies and bins are great for housing shoes and preventing them from wandering.

  • Create a command center for a calendar, mail and other to do items to ensure things aren't forgotten.

2. Put toys in bins and drawers, this way when they are away where you can’t see them! I am well aware that I have kids, but when they go to bed I like my house to turn back into an adult space where I can unwind from my day. We have a routine of cleaning up all the toys as a family before bed. Each category of toy has its own bin making it easy and quick for everyone to help out.

3. Rotate toys and donate. I try to swap out toys every couple of weeks. Rotating toys helps keep my kids interested in the available toys and minimizes the amount that needs cleaning up. Once they have outgrown toys or clothes I normally hand them down to family or friends, or donate them to limit the amount I have in storage. If you know you may have more children, create plastic bins that are labeled to put everything into while they are in storage.

4. Minimize your things. Near impossible with kids, I know. However I try to be very mindful of the things that come into our house. Is this something that will get used regularly and bring value to my family? How long will this item last? Can I use something I already have to fulfill this need?

Are you feeling overwhelmed and not sure where to start? Schedule a free consultation with us to see how we can help you. Click on our contact tab to get started

HARMONie "little changes that make a big difference"


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